Monday, October 29, 2018 - 11:31 by visby
The cruise season concluded in Visby on 18 October. The ship Marco Polo put out from the new terminal at about 4.00 pm for its journey onward to Klaipeda in Lithuania. Visby has received 75 cruise arrivals and about 75,000 passengers during 2018, which is a substantial increase compared with last year.
”It has been a successful season. The terminal has functioned excellently and I would suggest that it is one of the best facilities in the world”, summarises CMP’s terminal manager Henrik Ahlqvist.
”The collaboration with Port of Visby, shipbrokers and all the other key actors on Gotland has also functioned superbly,” he continues. “It seems like everyone is enthusiastic about the operation and are working towards a common goal”.
The positive development will continue during 2019 with an increase in passenger numbers to about 120,000 and arrivals to 94.
”We are noting that it is simpler to”sell” Visby now that the quay is in operation,” Henrik Ahlqvist observes. ”Next year we will be receiving more and larger ships, and also welcoming the Royal Caribbean shipping company. This means that the number of American passengers will increase compared with this year”.