Visby expands its artisanal quayside presence

Thursday, November 30, 2023 - 12:33 by ce-press

Visby plans to introduce a larger artisan-at-work presence next season and is actively collaborating with local producers to make this happen.

“Anything from real stone-wear (with the grinding taking place inside the cruise terminal) to a jolly good knit-along will be available next season. And for those of the more competitive kind, let us reveal that we are looking to re-introduce the ancient game of Varpa [similar to boules but with a flat and heavy object called a varpa],” explains Anna Sylvan, cruise manager Visby, Copenhagen Malmo Port.

Overstekvarn and iVisby printshop will return. The former is an artisanal producer of foods primarily based on locally-sourced ingredients. “This family-run business is Europe’s northern most chilli farm, producing a variety of chilli products, as well as traditional Gotland and Swedish condiments including mustards, jams and dressings,” says Sylvan. “Gary and Anna Mathers [pictured] will continue to treat us with local heat,” she adds.

iVisby has started producing fridge magnets from recycled material as an additional offering.

The port awaits two Christmas calls from Hapag-Lloyd Cruises’ Hanseatic Nature on December 16 and 23, bringing the total this year to 102 calls. Next year 115 calls are scheduled, mostly between April and October but again with two in December.
Visby expands its artisanal quayside presence
Gary and Ann Mathers harvesting chillis (c) Copenhagen Malmo Port

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