
Port information

Karlskronas main island Trossö, with the City Port in front (c) Visit Karlskrona


Karlskrona offers great hospitality, smooth operations and world class excursions. The city centre is uniquely situated on an island in the middle of an archipelago. This gives a unique, spacious sense to the city and breathtaking views. In 1680, King Karl XI ordered the construction of the city as Sweden’s naval base, due to its location. The naval presence has ensured distinctive architectural qualities, and UNESCO has named Karlskrona a World Heritage City. Karlskrona holds yet another UNESCO-nomination, being a biosphere reserve - a one of a kind combination! Karlskrona City Port can take ships up to 160 meters. Larger ships will anchor just outside, with 10 min tendering into our new and lovely tender port. In both ports, passengers receive a much appreciated welcome, with 18th century soldiers saluting them on the red carpet, and hosts from the Tourist Office interacting and handing out maps. There is a complimentary mini-train and rental bikes are available.

Port attractions

  1.  Naval Museum

    Exciting, fun and educational, the museum exhibits the history of the Swedish Navy. Amid the historical setting of the island of Stumholmen, the museum stretches out on a pier into the water.
  2.  Drottningskär Citadel

    Drottningskär Citadel is from the 17th century and considered to be one of the most remarkable of Sweden’s historic fortifications. Enjoy a 20 min boat trip with stunning views on your way there.
  3.  Brändaholm allotment cottages

    Karlskrona's idyllic colonial cottage area from the 1920s. Located in a very scenic environment, this very image of Sweden has been preserved intact for decades. Stroll among immaculate small gardens.
  4.  The Great Square

    On the pompous paved square, the statue of Karlskronas founder, King Karl XI, gazes over the impressive churches Fredriks Church and The Church of the Holy Trinity, designed after prototypes from Rome

Port views

Visit Karlskrona
Visit Karlskrona
Visit Karlskrona
Visit Karlskrona
Visit Karlskrona
Visit Karlskrona
Visit Karlskrona
Visit Karlskrona
Visit Karlskrona
Visit Karlskrona
Visit Karlskrona
Visit Karlskrona

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Port facts

Nautical information

Max. Length For Berth, M:
Max. Draught, M:
More Info Draught:
Max. Air Draught, M:
More Info Air Draught:
No. Of Quays:
Quay Length Total, M:
Quay Depth, M:
Anchorage Available:
Anchorage Compulsory:
Passenger Terminal:
Pilotage Compulsary:
Tugs Available:
Tidal Movement/range, M:
Ships Tenders Allowed:
Garbage Disposal:
Airport Distance, Km:
City Centre Distance, Km:


Are ships allowed burn HFO using:
✔ Closed loop
On-shore power supply to cruise vessels:
LNG bunkering supply to cruise vessels:
✔ Road tanker (truck) on the quay
Supplying alternative fuels:
Reception Facilities for Contaminated Ballast Water:
Reception Facilities for Waste Oils:
Passengers by Source in 2023
Calls 2023

Onshore Power

Onshore Power
OPS (Onshore Power System)
Shore power within the next 5 years
Defined Compatibility Assessment process for each berth and ship combination to IEC/IEEE 80005-1
Information/documentation from the ship for the port before the first connection
Additional requirements for first-time connectio/max. duration between connections before process reapplies
Connection Time
Connection time from all fast to full operational SSE (Shore Side Electricity)
Disconnection time
Uninterrupted power supply guaranteed by shore power provider whilst connected
Restrictions / Penalties / Insurance
Weather conditions/restrictions/other limitations for safe use of SSE
Penalties in case of failure to connect by the ship: weather/itinerary changes/technical issues
Insurance covering any potential damage caused by the SSE
Port Fees
Utility standard/usage fees in addition to kWh rate
Tax/duty fees applicable
Other fees related to shore power
Useful Information
Discounts/incentives linked to shore power usage
Berthing policy linked to shore power usage
Confirmation time of the vessel for planned shore power usage before ETA

Port contacts


Malin Hagberg Andersson, Cruise Coordinator
Östra Hamngatan 7 B
371 83 Karlskrona

Page last updated: 2023-11-08 11:43


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